

And welcome to my blog! Bali is my home away from home and my happy place! Hope my tips will help you to plan an amazing holiday! Please reach out to me if you have any questions!

Michelle xxx

Easy tips and tricks for first time solo travellers

Easy tips and tricks for first time solo travellers

This post is for all people out there who want to travel solo but never have. Or don’t know how to take that step. It’s normal to have a million questions, doubts or even anxiety!

Is solo travelling for me, I can’t be alone! What if something happens to me? How do I meet people, I’m shy! Is it dangerous? What if I get homesick? What if I get ill? How do I make friends? Will I feel lonely? These are just a few questions that might pop up in your head if you’ve never flown solo.

I sat down with my friend Alexandra D’Archambeau (I met her in Bali, go figure), who is an experienced solo traveller. She helped me out a lot during my first solo trips with all her tips and tricks. And now I’m passing them on to you!

BONUS: Bali is good place to have your first solo experience.

Before we get into it, here are some general remarks:

  • There is NO age limit on travelling solo. I know it’s mostly ‘younger’ people who do this, but know that you’re never too old to take on this adventure

  • Make sure to get a good travel insurance (you should always do this but especially when you’re alone). You’ll feel much ‘safer’.

  • Bali is a safe place to travel solo. But like in any place, always be careful, regardless of where you are. Especially as a girl, don’t walk at shady roads by yourself at night. Use your common sense.

  • Don’t make a full blown travel schedule. Just go with the flow and see where the trip takes u. Surrender to the experience. You can book your accomodation for the first night(s) of your trip, and then take it from there. You never know who you will meet.

  • It’s important to remember that YOU ARE NEVER ALONE. If something might happen to you (illness, accident, lost bags, stolen wallet etc), you are surrounded by people who will help you (it can be your hostel roomie, the hotel receptionist, a stranger in the street or even your driver). People will help you. Read that again. People will help you. Feel better already?


  • It will get you out of your comfort zone. This is a big one! I’m telling you, once you push yourself and get over whatever fear you might have, magic will happen! Just trust yourself, EVERYONE can do it!

  • Nobody will judge you. All solo travellers have the same struggles. Which means you can easily connect with them on several levels ( travelling on a budget, where to find the cheapest laundry service, recovering from trauma or a heartbreak, etc..). Everybody has a story.

  • you can do whatever the fuck you want! No compromising :)

  • You will meet the most inspiring, like minded people & make connections for life. During my solo trips (3 so far), I honestly met the most beautiful souls who changed my life.

  • It will boost your confidence . You will for sure run into situations where you will have to make (difficult) decisions and face obstacles. You will see that you can overcome any problem thrown at you! It will make you feel proud of yourself.


  • Be prepared to answer the same questions pretty much every day. Where are you from? How long are you staying? Where are you going next? How old are you? OVER AND OVER AGAIN ;)

  • You will have moments where you will feel alone or have an off day. I’m not gonna sugarcoat it. But you also have those in your daily life, so why should it be any different just because you’re on holiday? Feeling homesick? Call home!!There is always a solution! Even if that means actually going back home.

  • Travelling solo can be expensive when it comes to accomodations. Unless you sleep in a hostel, then it becomes cheap again :)


If you want to travel solo and don’t want to meet people, by all means, focus on yourself! Enjoy your you-time!

If you want to meet new people but you have no clue how to do this (because you are shy or unexperienced), you might enjoy the following tips:


  • The easiest way to meet people is still staying at a hostel or a small homestay. That being said, do your research and pick a hostel that has a pool and a common area or bar. Especially around happy hour a lot of hostels organise events (beer pong, open mic, dance lessons etc) = lot of people = easy to mingle

  • If you don’t want to share a room with 10 other people, there is a solution. A lot of hostels these days also offer private rooms. Win Win!

  • Best website to find hostels = hostelworld - you can filter on age, party hostels, hostels for girls only etc…anything you want. Or check my other posts on this blog to find the best hostels.

  • Not a hostel fan? Book a room in a hotel of your choice and just go to the bar of a hostel nearby.


There is no easier way to connect with new people than sharing the same passion! Whatever your passion is, join a yoga, cooking or dance class, take a surf lesson, go to a local concert or even join a beer pong contest!


If you are really struggling with finding people to talk to people in real life interaction, (because you are very shy or whatever reason) maybe you should try going online:

  • Instagram: look for posts with #uluwatu ( or whatever your location is) and you will find people that are near to you. You can send them a DM and take it from there.

  • Facebook: there are plenty groups on Facebook which you can join. Just type in ‘solo travelling Bali’ or ‘backpacking Bali’ etc.. and you’ll find a lot of groups where solo travellers get together. Once you are accepted in these groups, you can just to a shout out and you’ll find many like minded people who wanna meet up with you. For me joining the facebook group GIRLS IN BALI was the best thing I ever did. It’s an amazing community of girls/woman living in or travelling to Bali. I got added to a few whatsapp groups because of this fb page and met so many amazing women!

  • Tinder: Just go on Tinder. Not to hook up (you can if you want of course :) but you will meet a lot of solo travellers there too, who are looking for a travel buddy. Always be carefull of course.

  • Apps especially for solo travellers like ‘Backpackr’, ‘Solo traveller’, or ‘Tourlina’ (this last one especially to help females find travel companions)


To some people it comes natural, they make new friends in a heartbeat.

However, if this is something you struggle with, let me help you out:

  • SMILE AND SAY HELLO. It’s as simple as that. Wherever you are. In a bar, a nightshop, at the spa, on the beach, in the hostel. People will smile back at you 99¨% of the time and it tells them you are open to having a conversation.

  • Don’t focus on looks. Looks deceive. The weirdest looking people are often the most fun to hang out with. Have an open mind.

  • Screen people’s vibe and energy. Trust your instinct. It will tell you who is approachable.

  • And the most important lesson: GET OVER YOUR AKWARDNESS and initiate conversation. Walk over to a group of people and ask them if you can join them for a drink. I have never heard people saying no to this. Ever. And if they do, their loss! Remember, all solo travellers are there with the same goal: meeting new people!

From my own experience: I was sitting at a pool and saw someone I wanted to connect with. I was too shy and akward to say anything and I called up my friend to tell her about my situation and if she could help me out. She gave me a peptalk and after several hours (yes it took me that long) I was just like “fuck it! I have nothing to lose”. I started talking to him, asking about his tattoos or something. Long story short, I spent the whole week with him. He then took me out to dinner with two of his friends and they became people who literally changed my life for the better.


I promise it will change your life and confidence.

If you liked this post, feel free to give it a like or a share!

Until next time,


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